The Internet is a Cultural Object


Photos from an amazing group exhibition held at the Brunswick Street Gallery - Curated by Miriam Arbus.

The exhibition revealed both the aesthetic and social developments that are a result of our lives being permeated by the ever-present internet.


When you put on a T-shirt, within seconds it falls away into the background of your life, you might not even think about it all day until you take it off in the evening. Some of the objects that make up the world around us also fall into those sensory voids. Blindly walking past a great statue on your daily commute, stepping over a group of interesting rocks on a bush walk. These things continue on, every day, being in your life, but never a part of it. 

The work you see before you employs photogrammetry, a process of taking a series of photographs of a subject and allowing software to run over them, extracting a 3D model of the original subject. This process isn’t without error, in fact the errors or “glitches” are part of the charm, chunks are missing, whole portions of a subject can be deformed. Those glitches inspire the outcome and inform the emotional direction of each work. 

This is all done in the hope that those sensory voids from the real world will capture your attention enough, to once more be a meaningful part of your life, even if it’s just for a fleeting moment.